Friday, October 26, 2007

BATFU Loses 500 Records...

...and evidently can't account for four machine guns.

Yet these are the people apparently wetting themselves in their eagerness to shut down Red's.

[More on BATFU from WarOnGuns]

Campus Diversity, Brady Style

"You don't like the fact that you can't have a gun on your college campus? Drop out of school," said Peter Hamm, a spokesman for the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence.

We don't cotton to your kind around here.

If they truly believed gun owners are the unhinged cauldrons of anger they portray us as, do you think they'd keep poking this hard?

Anybody think you can dialog with this bigot and come to a reasonable compromise?

Listing to the Left

It's so lax, in fact, that today, people on the federal terrorist watch list are not prohibited from purchasing guns.

You mean this watchlist? The one that's so ridiculously overstuffed with raw names that is growing at over 200,000 new "suspects" each year?

For this, the contemptible Louis Klarevas and his fascist fourth estate fifth columnist co-conspirators at The Daily News want to cast America's legal tradition of innocent until proven guilty into the trash heap, and deny basic human rights without due process?

Some people seem bound and determined to bring about a real-world demonstration on the true meaning of the Second Amendment. I'm not so sure we shouldn't encourage them.

Louis, for what it's worth, I don't believe you to be a fool. That leaves only one other likely possibility that I can think of.

We're the Only Ones Kicked When We're Down Enough

"It's easy to criticize police. It's only 13,000 [officers] . . . Kick 'em when they're down. Kick 'em and keep kicking 'em.
What, you mean like this?

We've asked before, why is it when one of your subjects gets taken in, you don't consider releasing their names to be kicking them when they're down? Don't answer that--it was a rhetorical question.

Yeah, go ahead and blame guns. If I were you or any of your corrupt "Only One" goons, I'd be plenty leery of armed citizens, too, and deservedly so.

[Via 45superman]

The UT Catch-22

UT appeals attack decision

School had no duty to protect student who was disabled, lawyer says

Read the story. it is sickening what was done to a vibrant young woman who had such potential.

OK, so if the school won't protect people on their premises, how about if they protect themselves?

No, sorry:
The university is committed to maintaining the safety and security of all persons on university property and during university activities and to maintain a safe and healthful working environment. Specific prohibited activities include:

Possession of firearms, explosives, or other lethal materials on university property or during university activities, unless the employee falls within certain categories of employees who must use weapons in the course of their employment (such as police officers, R.O.T.C. personnel, etc.)

Everybody's clear on their options here, right?

[Via RW]

This Day in History: October 26

On October 26, 1776, exactly one month to the day after being named an agent of a diplomatic commission by the Continental Congress, Benjamin Franklin sets sail from Philadelphia for France, with which he was to negotiate and secure a formal alliance and treaty.