Friday, November 21, 2014

Wrapping the Investigation Up

In an email dated October 4, 2011, Attorney General Holder’s top press aide, Tracy Schmaler, called Attkisson “out of control.” Schmaler told White House Deputy Press Secretary Eric Schultz that he intended to call CBS news anchor Bob Schieffer to get the network to stop Attkisson.  
Schultz replied, “Good. Her piece was really bad for the AG.” [More]
Tracy is the same flack who got cover for DOJ with Media Matters and dismissed Mike and my bar complaint as "specious [and] frivolous."

Naturally, "progressive" media doesn't care so much about what this means to freedom of the press as they do about making sure their idols stay worshiped. It's not like they're interested in the truth or anything...

[Via Florida Guy

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