Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Another Way The Elites Block Information They Want to Suppress

And the hits just keep on coming.

Reported? By whom? Nice to know the hive insects consider what I say a threat.

I wonder if it's possible to successfully challenge this.

UPDATE: I just happened to have one of their tech's attention on another matter, so sent the following. We'll see if it does any good:

[Click to enlarge]


FedUp said...

What is Microsoft SmartScreen, and how do I report to it?

bondmen said...

This screen, one I've run into when staying at hotels in enemy territory, should be considered your Red Badge of Courage, rightly earned on the battlefield of ideas.

If a blogger does not have such a warning then one is not doing The Founders' Work in preserving the governing documents like the Declaration and Constitution!

Anonymous said...

Anyone who trusts their computer's security to Microsoft deserves whatever kind of computer clap they pick up. Heh... Why does it burn when I type?