Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Good Question

Shouldn’t the Presidential Debate Ask About Guns We Already Have? [More]
Yes, they should. But they won't unless thousands of voices mobilize to demand it. I'd start by sending the link to this guy, but if it's just me and a handful doing it, nothing will happen.

One point I did not understand, or if I did, I don't agree with:
Some pundits trifle with what a packed Supreme Court might concoct, and the nefarious quakes the new boss might initiate in the halls of bureaucracy, now more influential and certainly quicker than Congress. Those gnats hardly matter... 
While I don't consider myself a "pundit," I don't see that as trifling or a gnat at all. It's the whole reason immigration / amnesty / pathway to citizenship is the single greatest threat we face, not only as gun owners, but as Americans who believe in the Constitution. So what did I misread?


That took all of five seconds.

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