Wednesday, December 27, 2017

I, Nazi

Wishing people “merry Christmas” instead of “happy holidays,” is thus in line with Trump’s decision to ban citizens of Muslim-majority countries from entering the United States, critics say. It fits neatly with his refusal to condemn white supremacists when they march against diversity, and with his condemnation of athletes who protest police brutality against black men. [More]
God (Allah? Gaia?), I am so sorry

And I just found out "It's a Wonderful Life" is "inherently sexist."

I guess people like me are too old and hateful for reeducation camps, so all that's really left is to turn in those guns and go stand over by that ditch.  Because face it, I'll never be able to make restitution for all that racial and gender privilege I've been exploiting at the expense of oppressed minorities.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

... so much nicer being an unrepentant ARMED barbarian!

Ma Duce