Thursday, December 28, 2017

Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Piers Morgan Paradise

I can't help but wonder if Paul Beyes and Justin Welby would choose to convert or die, or if they've already made that choice. [More]


Steve said...

I guess I should request refunds from some of the charities I donated to, seeing as they help the poor and weak.

Anonymous said...

Already emasculated ... so already half way to 'conversion' ...

Ma Duce

Pat H. said...

I see purple or lavender garments on those alleged clerics.

That says they're Sodomites, which can't be Christians.

Therefore, I'm calling them out as non-Christians, members of Satan's army.

Jesus Christ never taught non-self defense and never taught tolerance even one time.

Ned said...

I guess I missed that part in the Bible where Jesus said "give your money to the almighty state, so with that money, the state will feed and clothe the poor."

I appreciate converged UK churchians explaining how Christians should act and think at least as much as I appreciate illegal aliens explaining American values.